Lin has been a Christian for more than four decades and has worked in ministry for the majority of the time. She is also a pediatric nurse as well as being very supportive of her husband, Doctor Mark Ottenweller, who has worked for HOPE Worldwide, an international benevolent organization that focuses on assisting the poor and needy, as well as serving at major disasters all over the world, and much more. Lin is an amazing and vibrant speaker who can have audiences at the edge of their seats as she shares amazing stories and teaches on many topics. She is passionate about speaking on topics that seem to affect all walks of life. Her main focus is in Leadership Development, Leadership Training, and Strategic Planning. She is also a faith-based coach (soon to be an ICF Certified Coach) coaching on various topics that are not specific to only Christians or religious orientations, rather they are valuable to anybody pursuing a leadership role.
Lin and her family was held hostage at a young age for a period of around three months approx. and her family was rescued by local prostitutes and the men who were with them. Her first husband, Barry, went into the hospital for a minor surgery but they found a brain tumor, yet the two of them set out to change the world anyway for another 15 years before his death. She believes in determination. She believes in knowing and caring for one’s neighbors and even knowing them by name. She speaks about acting decisively and pushing forward. She has a heart for single moms and she has served in developing countries (such as Haiti, St Thomas, and Africa) and other places around the world. She continues to be an inspiration to many. Here are a few highlights and accomplishments.