2-Time Grammy Winner, Speech Thomas, and His Queen Who Reigns With Him

Many celebrities have experienced disappointment and heartache in a failed marriage. It seems that most begin their relationships with as much promise and sincerity as any other person might. But sadly, when compared to non-celebrity marriages, the odds are stacked heavily against them. Statistically speaking, celebrity marriages do not have a very good track record for longevity. Whether it is an actor, a television personality, an accomplished athlete, a musician or any other profession that launches an individual into the public celebrity spotlight, the figures are not very promising. With that said, we direct our attention to Speech Thomas, an acclaimed hip hop artist, rapper and visionary who leads the 2-time grammy award winning band, Arrested Development. Speech has been a visionary in one of the most difficult and controversial music genres, yet he is fortunate enough to enjoy a healthy and happy relationship with his wife, Yolanda. They have been a part of each other’s life for almost three decades and have been married for close to two and half decades.

“Before knowing or even meeting my wife, I already knew that I wanted to lift her up as my queen. I was just waiting for someone that could fit that description.”

In the course of discussing marriage and relationships with Speech, he shares some of the misconceptions that he personally encountered as a young man, as it related to marriage. One of the most discouraging viewpoints that he was subjected to was a perception that marriage was a type of “jail”. Speech had and still has a different view, which was influenced greatly by his faith, in that marriage to the right person was more of a fundamental building block of life… a sacred chapter of sorts.

She Is My Queen

But before ever entering the chapter in our lives that is “marriage”, we must acknowledge that there are other chapters which come first. From early childhood, humans are immersed into the culture of their communities, neighborhoods and schools, as well as the culture that is found in the privacy of their own households. More often than not, we are influenced to adopt the thinking of those around us.

As a boy and later a young man, Speech discovered and came to the conclusion that many of the other young men he had met maintained a negative view of women. For instance, many women were treated as conquests to be used and mistreated. Sadly, he also found that some women had also surrendered and come to accept that they were living out the role of a second class citizen to their male counterparts. This concerned him because he had a lot of respect and admiration for some of the most important women in his own life. As a result, from a very young age, Speech decided that if he was fortunate enough to find the right woman to marry, he would treat her as a queen; she would be a true equal partner in his life.

But is this really realistic? After all, Speech would rise to become the founding member of one of the most iconic hip hop bands of the early 90’s, earning two grammy’s and having the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame name “Tennessee” one of The 500 songs That Shaped Rock and Roll. He has shared stages with legends such as Nelson Mandela, James Brown, The Roots, Oprah Winfrey and many more.

Well, it certainly was and is realistic for Speech, who has held firm to his convictions and stood his ground when it came to marriage. “Before knowing or even meeting my wife, I already knew that I wanted to lift her up as my queen. I was just waiting for someone that could fit that description.” He made a pact that he intended to keep. His wife would have to be his partner and his friend.

With a reference to the instructions that flight attendants often give passengers before take-off, Speech discusses the need to “put your oxygen mask on first.” To him, this meant coming to grips with what his core values and beliefs were and then internalizing them. After that, he accepted that steps would need to be taken in order to live his life by the virtues that he held dear. With great enthusiasm, he says, ” I brought my queen with me to many of my tours and events, and often the children were able to come too.” Although many years have passed and his children are young adults now, his sentiment still rings true. Speech still performs with his band, Arrested Development, and his wife still often joins him. His “queen” is still at his side reigning with him! It is a great privilege to experience Speech, an exceptional human being, artist and Elite Speaker.

MTV pop star Christian Ray called to sing against communism by Russian President Boris Yeltsin

Some people are so gifted with talent and skill, it seems almost unfair, until you see what they’ve done with it. Award winning media & marketing guru, international pop start, Christian Ray, is a perfect example. He has one parent that’s from Russia and the other is from Chile. He also lived in Mozambique and now he’s in the US but technically, he’s kind of from everywhere. And, wherever he goes, he seems to make an impact. He sings, he writes, he directs, he is a business owner, he is a visionary, he does benevolent work, and more. But, let’s take a few steps back and talk about Russia. How do we connect the dots between a pop star and a president who wants victory over his communist opponent? I guess this was Russia’s version of “rock the vote” against communism.

“It wasn’t like I was very political back then. I was young and it seemed like communism wasn’t a good thing so we went for it. Not to mention, it’s not every day a Russian president is calling on you to do their campaign song.”

Christian Ray brought much of what we were used to in the United States, as it relates to music in the 90’s, to Russia. He was a great success with many hits and of course, that number one hit that became the song used as the people’s theme song against communism. This was quite amazing in a country that is known for ballet, opera, theater, and, well, vodka! But not pop music or, at least, not yet.

Russia’s Version of Rock the Vote against Communism

A young musician with the world at his fingertips might be a dream come true but that is not how the story began for Christian Ray. Christian Ray was born in Moscow, Russia, on March 15, 1969, to a Chilean father and Russian mother. The family moved to Chile when Christian was nine months old. During the 1973 military coup of Augusto Pinochet, Christian’s father, Americo Flores, was arrested along with thousands of others and spent time in one of the infamous concentration camps. His mother Larisa, along with two children, went into hiding under an assumed name and with a fake Argentinian passport.

After Americo’s release, the family spent several months in a refugee camp and was granted asylum in Germany, moving to Munich. After some time in Germany and Russia, Americo and Larisa moved to Mozambique, at the invitation of the government, which was recruiting international professionals after a mass exodus of Portuguese upon the nation’s independence. Christian learned four languages by the age of nine: Russian, Spanish, English, and Portuguese. After his parents’ divorce, Christian returned to Russia with his mother and sister in 1983. Christian got a master’s degree in economics in 1991 from the RUDN University in Moscow.

In 1993, Christian Ray released his first single in Russia, and he became an instant success, playing to large crowds by 1994. Back to back top-ten hits culminated into his number-one single, “Our Generation”– an anthem of freedom and change. It became the official song of Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign. Christian tirelessly campaigned for Yeltsin as part of the Russian version of “Rock the Vote” which is credited to giving Yeltsin the youth vote and victory in the campaign. “It wasn’t like I was very political back then. I was young and it seemed like communism wasn’t a good thing so we went for it. Not to mention, it’s not every day a Russian president is calling on you to do their campaign song.”

Motivational speaker and visionary entrepreneur, Christian Ray, has one very interesting life. Even today, he is a successful businessman in addition to his many other talents and skills. He is a speaker who is familiar with doing what it takes to make a difference, even if it means, well, not just doing it differently but, being the first one to do it.

KISS with Deb de Flores before being Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Deb de Flores is a Speaker that is no stranger to meeting celebrities. With a history of working for organizations like MTV, VH-1, and Universal Music, she’s got a unique perspective into the music scene as it skyrocketed from our record players into our television sets. Many people want to know who the people are behind the music they hear and love.

“I’ve met lot’s of celebrities but, seriously, these guy’s really know how to market themselves. Even when they are not on stage performing, they seem kind of larger than life…and if you haven’t noticed, they really are pretty tall compared to me. I can only imagine the type of courage it must have taken to go on stage for the first time dressed like that, make-up and all! To pull off something like that, you better be able to rock!”

From those very first videos that MTV played, maybe it was “Video Killed The Radio Star” and then a Pat Benatar song, we inched ourselves forward into an era like no other. Some of the most interesting music and styles found teenagers everywhere dressing like Madonna, Michael Jackson and so many others. Even some of the other artists that had been around a lot longer where getting a kick-start to reaching new audiences by simply getting on TV. We saw such iconic bands and artist like Led Zepplin, Whitney Houston, and Aerosmith (among others) join the video craze along with newer bands like Duran Duran, U2, or Prince.

And Then There Was KISS

There’s not much that compares to KISS. They did it first. Deb, thinks back about the story behind that picture. “I’ve met lot’s of celebrities but, seriously, these guy’s really know how to market themselves. Even when they are not on stage performing, they seem kind of larger than life…and if you haven’t noticed, they really are pretty tall compared to me. I can only imagine the type of courage it must have taken to go on stage for the first time dressed like that, make-up and all! To pull off something like that, you better be able to rock!” It really is no surprise that they found their way to music videos. People just want to see these guys. There was a time when very few people knew what they really looked like under all of the make-up and dazzling clothes. One thing’s for sure, it was a treat to meet them along with so many artists that Deb met through the years. There’s a few that stood out, even amongst the other celebrities. Flash forward and now they’ve been inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame. Speaker, Deb de Flores, has many other stories to tell from those times but with today’s perspective, and a vision for tomorrow.

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